Project Title: Combined Personalized Word Naming and Spaced Retrieval Training for Primary Progressive Aphasia: A Preliminary Investigation
Primary Investigators: Mara Steinberg Lowe, Ph.D., CCC-SLP CUNY Queens College
Co-PI: Amy Vogel-Eyny, Ph.D., CCC-SLP CUNY Hunter College
This project examines whether combining an intensive language treatment with a computer-based home training program will maximize retention of personally-relevant words for individuals living with Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA).
As practicing speech language pathologists and clinical researchers, we understand (and have experienced first-hand) the barriers that prevent successful implementation of evidence-based interventions for people living with PPA. Although speech-language therapy is the gold standard of care, direct treatment time is often limited due to health insurance and logistical factors. Receiving funding from the NAA is meaningful because it will allow us to explore practical, cost-effective and highly personalized approaches to continuing rehabilitation services in a home setting. We are hopeful that this will lead to increased accessibility and effectiveness of anomia interventions for people with progressive aphasias.
